We’ve assembled a variety of of the basic goodies you require to service the group and valves of your e-61 espresso machine.
Whilst this kit won’t allow for a comprehensive service, it’s a great start and it may well help you to prolong the service interval for your machine. When we service a machine, we do a whole lot more! Note that any work you perform is at your own risk. Nevertheless, there are plenty of good online video resources.
Our service kit is currently offered in a variety of configurations and includes the major seals, gaskets and peripheral components required to attend to the group and valves of your espresso machine at home. Please note that we would not recommend that you attempt any works while your machine is under warranty. This is by no means a comprehensive service, but it’s an excellent start. We also advise that we do sometimes notice variation in some components- in particular slight variations in the length of group valves which we shim or machine as required when we service a machine. We cannot accept responsibility for any slight variations which may be present in your own machine.
Current offering:
- ECM/Rocket Giotto/Cellini service kit. Suits ECM Giotto/Cellini Premium and all Rocket Giotto models with similar handle design (No “R” on the steam valve handle). Includes mushroom o-ring
- Comprehensive kit for current big “R” handle Giotto/Mozzafiato/Appartamento. Includes mushroom o-ring
- Vibiemme Domobar variants. Includes mushroom o-ring
- Comprehensive Rocket R58/R60. Please note this kit includes an anti-vac valve but no mushroom o-ring.
What else will I require?
- Buy a group seal and shower screen. IMS do a really high quality shower screen. You may require a group seal pick to remove your existing one if it’s perished. NB install your group seal with bevelled edge facing upwards. Clean well before you install and use a little detergent to help seat the seal. Fit completely by removing the basket of your portafilter and locking it into the group and then repeat with the basket loaded into your portafilter.
- If your group pins/pistons are worn, you will probably require new ones. In addition, they can break when seal replacement is attempted. Assuming you can safely remove the pins, polish the ends up with some wet/dry to get them really smooth and flat. NB VBM uses a proprietary kit. Lubricate all moving (friction) surfaces with food grade grease.
- Likewise for your leva cam. If it’s looking tired and grooved or worn, replace it. Lubricate contact surfaces.
- Exploded diagram/s if available (or take photos as you go so you know how to reassemble)
- Spanners and other tools
- Anti-vacuum valve if yours is leaking. Please note some Izzo anti-vacuum valves are barbed and perhaps a safety valve if yours is leaking
- Food grade grease
We provide the following guide with thanks to our long-time mate Rick aka The Coffee Machinist
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