What happens in a machine service or repair and what are my responsibilities?
Firstly, we meet with you to agree on the scope of works to your machine and provide you with an estimate. This will include a visual check for lime scaling where possible. Where a formal quote is requested, an $80 fee will be charged when you leave your machine with us. This quote fee is surrendered to us should you decide not to proceed with works. When authorised by you to proceed, it is credited towards your final account.
Routine service includes:
- a check of electrics for safety. Rectify if required.
- repairs as required. Items such no heating, overheating and component failure are repaired.
- service and lubrication of group and all internal seals with replacement of shower screen and group seal as required.
- service and lubrication of steam/hot water valves and wands.
- check and adjust group pressure and brew temperature (optional at additional cost) as required.
- descale treatment if required (add 1-2 hours).
- cleaning. Your tired machine will come back looking as new!
These works will generally take anywhere from 1-3 hours (or more- depending on the condition of your machine and the scope of work) and we may require your machine for up to a week or so. Once work is complete, we will contact you to arrange collection of your machine.
Contact us to book a service or repair.
When your repairs are complete:
We require collection of your serviced/repaired machine within 1 week of completion after which storage charges of $40/week will be added to your account. Machinery not collected after two calendar months from completion of repairs will be assumed abandoned and become the property of Talk Coffee to allow us to recoup our expenses.