Roasted April 07

In 1995 the company began to specialise exclusively in coffee, growing its first lot of arabica coffee, a Catuai variety. It was at this time that the company took the name of Café de Eleta, S.A. Since then, the farm has significantly expanded, growing to nearly 420 hectares.
At harvest time, only the best cherry is hand-picked to avoid immature fruit. Pre-drying then commences for 20 days on raised beds in greenhouses at an average temperature of 20c and 70% relative humidity. The total resting period is 60 to 90 days.
San Ramon originated from the Typica coffee variety. The tree is known to be wind tolerant, drought resistant, productive, and small in size (due to dwarfism). The tree has short branches and produces few berries in comparison to other Typica varieties. It’s also resistant to disease.
Since 2000, the farm has been part of the Specialty Coffee Association of Panama (SCAP) and has participated in the Best of Panama cupping competition, achieving outstanding scores. Café de Eleta focuses on producing specialty coffee in an environmentally and socially responsible manner. Environmental programs at the estate encompass wastewater management from washed coffees being returned to the farm and composting of cherry skins to be reused as fertiliser. Café de Eleta is also known for its child labour prevention programs and annually partners with Casa Esperanza, to deliver health care and nutritional supplements to the children of Ngäbe-Buglé.
- Grading: TC Very High specialty: 87 points
- Notes: nuts, caramel and tropical fruit
- Body: moderate with a very smooth finish
- Acidity: moderate
- Roast: omniroast
- Drink: from day 7
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